5 Tips For A Better 2024 — Train Mind Body Soul

5 Tips For a better 2024

That won’t cost you a penny

We are now 3 weeks into 2024 and it’s around this time that New Year resolutions start to falter.

I have always found New Year Resolutions come with pressure, pressure to follow & succeed in them and the fear of failing them.

But what if instead of a resolution we adopted some routines and habits that help us succeed in the New Year but not only that, way beyond the 2024.

Well that’s what we are going to look at today, here are my Top 5 Tips For a better 2024 (that won’t cost you a penny)

Number 1.

Fu*k Social Media

Not all of social media but consider unfollowing or not starting to following anyone or any page that makes you feel inferior in any way.

It’s important to distinguish what your goals are & is the page you are following in line with those goals, is the information practical and suited to your lifestyle?

There is a massive amount of data out there that show the negative effects of the wrong type of social media interactions so be sure you are being exposed to images and advice that doesn’t leave you feeling less.

As a start here are 5 local Instagram pages that we love at Train MBS that you should consider giving a follow if you are not already.

  • Train MBS ( Obviously )

  • Sylvester Sweeny PT ( Great Recipes & Lifestyle Advice )

  • Fit For It PT ( Amazing Workouts & Client Progress Info )

  • Really Useful Nutrition ( Easily Digestible Nutritional Info )

  • Impact Fitness 1 ( Busy Dad Training & Bootcamp Workouts )

And as a bonus any females reading this that would like to know more about themselves you should check out Hello Kat Wilson

Give them a follow and tell them Train Said Hi!

Number 2.

Be More Selfish

Not acting like a total asshole selfish, but selfish in a way the allows you to give more to the people that matter. 

The word selfish or selfishness is associated with negativity but in a world where we are told to care about everything we often forget about ourselves.

Your cup needs to be full before you start pouring into others. 

So why not start being a bit more ‘good Selfish’ & say no to more things that don’t bring you joy, take time for yourself to recharge & ensure you are in a good place both physically and mentally.

Most people will be understanding if you need that time to recharge and if they are not, then maybe you need to be selfish with how much you give to them.

Number 3.

Do The Thing!

Or as I like to put it ‘Eat The Frog’

There is a great quote from ‘Strangest Loop’, which Chris Williamson Podcast brought to my attention and it is as follows: Preparing to do the thing isn't doing the thing.

Scheduling time to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Making a to-do list for the thing isn't doing the thing. Telling people you're going to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Messaging friends who may or may not be doing the thing isn't doing the thing. Writing a banger tweet about how you're going to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on yourself for not doing the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on other people who have done the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on the obstacles in the way of doing the thing isn't doing the thing. Fantasizing about all of the adoration you'll receive once you do the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading about how to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading about how other people did the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading this essay isn't doing the thing. The only thing that is doing the thing is doing the thing.

How good is that! I must read this at least once a week!

So eat the frog! Do the thing! New Job, travel, to do list whatever it is get a plan and execute!

Number 4.

Daily Movement

The coach is telling me to move more, no surprises there!

Daily Movement doesn’t have to a workout I literally just mean movement.

5 minutes of a mobility routine in the morning or some stretching, Going a walk.

It can even be less structured than that! Taking the stairs instead of the escalator, Parking further away when going to the shops, getting off the bus a stop earlier. It all adds up and all contributes to daily movement.

The added health benefits this gives are incredible, so try see if you can introduce some structured or unstructured movement daily.

Trust me, your body will thank you.

Number 5.

Get Your Sleep In Order

So your tired And can’t think why? it’s definitely not the doom scrolling at 11pm, or the 4 more episode of that show your watching after the one that was the ‘last one’ before bed.

Maybe a bit exaggerated, but the effects of not getting enough sleep are more than just being sluggish & cranky the following day, It has been proven to stave off a number of conditions and lower your risk of life threatening Illnesses.

Get a sleep routine and follow it.

Try Go to bed at the same time and getting up at the same time

Limit light and screen time in the run up to going to bed. 

I know there is so much stimulus in the world like Facebook & Tiktok but it will still be there tomorrow.

So priorities your sleep. 

These five things you can do right now. You don’t have to do them all at once, even just one of these could go along way to making 2024 better and they will not cost you a penny.

Team Train