Hotel Room Workout

Stay active on the road with our free hotel workout. A quick, effective, full-body routine that requires zero equipment!

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Warm-Up - 5 Minutes

To get your muscles ready to work, perform eight slow circles with your neck in a clockwise directon. Continue with eight circles each for both arms (keep them straight), wrists, and legs (bend at the knee and move from the hip). Repeat the sequence, but this time rotate each body part counterclockwise eight times. Repeat this up to 3 times.

Strength Exercise 1 - Wall Squat / Angel

Complete 3 rounds of 30 sec with 30 sec rest between rounds

This exercise is a progression from the warm up that will begin to work on strength and stability.

Squat with your back against a wall or locked door and feet about 6 inches away from the wall. Keep your arms, back and shoulders in contact the wall at all times. Slide arms up and down the walls so that the hands meet above the head.

Strength Exercise 2 - Isometric Single Leg Bridge

Complete 3 rounds of 30 sec (each leg) with 30 sec rest between rounds

This exercise will effectively work your glutes and hamstrings. Lay down face up with feet flat on the ground and legs bent. Push down with your feet raising the hips up. Raise the opposite foot off of the floor. Hold this position.

Adjustment: You can also perform the exercise with both feet on the ground which will make it easier if required.

Strength Exercise 3 - Bodyweight Squat Challenge

Set a timer for 3 minutes. Perform as many reps as you can.

Rest as often as required. Aim to match or beat your previous record.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lower down until your hips and knees are parallel, then come up and repeat.

Use an object such as a chair to ensure a consistent squat depth.

Cardio / Strength Circuit

Beginner: 10 reps / Intermediate: 15 reps / Advanced: 20 reps

Perform a circuit of the following 4 exercises. Rest 10 seconds between exercises and 2-3 minutes between circuits. Perform 3 circuits in total.

Circuit Exercise 1 - Reverse Lunge

From a standing position step back with one leg and lower the body by bending the knees. Keep 80% of your weight on your front foot. Lower until back knee touches floor. Return by stepping back up, bringing the feet in line with each other.

Adjustment: You can make this exercise easier by doing bodyweight squats instead.

Circuit Exercise 2 - Inchworm to Pushup

Starting from a standing position, hinge forward from the hips, bringing your hands to the floor. Begin to walk your hands out in front until you are in the top of a pushup position. Perform a single pushup then return back to the starting position.

Adjustment: You can make this exercise easier by only performing the inchworm part of the movement.

Circuit Exercise 3 - Half Burpee

Assume plank position with hands under your shoulders and feet extended behind you. Then jump both feet to the outside of your hands and then back into a plank position.

Adjustment: You can make this exercise easier by stepping the feet instead of jumping.

Circuit Exercise 4 - Knee to Elbow High Plank

Begin in the top of a pushup position with hands directly beneath your shoulders.

Tighten your abs and bring one knee to the outside of the same arm, pausing for a moment before straightening the leg back behind you. Repeat with the opposite leg.

Adjustment: You can make this exercise easier by doing shoulder taps instead. Starting in the same plank position bring a hand to your opposite shoulder, pause a moment before repeating on the opposite side.